Look like that Cilegon will get some new development project 🙂 This city situated in the district of Banten, in west Java, is famous for its industrial activities. You can find at every corner most of the biggest names of Indonesian companies as PLN, Pertamina, etc… Our job here was to acquire 110ha with lidar and photogrammetry for a new construction site. The weather condition during the mission was very windy, so to keep everyone safe we didn’t have the choice to split the mission into 2 days where habitually it takes only a couple of hours. 


Direct Client : HaloRobotic 

Final client : Private Indonesian Construction Company


3D LiDAR topography by drone / photogrammetry mapping / UAV 3D mapping

This mission was carried out in collaboration with HaloRobotic, whose mission was to process the data before delivery to the end customer. We also measured less than ten control points on the ground to verify the accuracy of the data we acquired with the drone and lidar sensor.

lidar-mapping-banten-cilegon-indonesia-msdi8-dsm lidar-mapping-banten-cilegon-indonesia-msdi9-dtm

Hey! You have also some clients who require lidar acquisition and you already have a team to process the data? we are here to help you with your projects! Our team already worked for many jobs as sub-contractors, so do not hesitate to contact us and start working with us to provide your client the best data. 

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